Master Plannery is a technology, engineering, construction, manufacturing and financial company.It is the Innovation imbibed with compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty that distinguishes Master Plannery from the rest  of the world.

More than six decades of a strong, customer-focused approach and the continuous quest for the technology and building methods have enabled it to attain and sustain leadership in all its major lines of the industry.

Master Plannery cutting edge capabilities covering the basic principles of construction  and services extend to large industrial and infrastructure projects from concept to commissioning.

Master Plannery  believes that progress must be achieved in harmony with the environment. A commitment to community welfare and environmental protection are an integral part of the corporate vision




  1. “Parisarapremi” award presented on Engineers’ Day (2003) by Civil Engineers & Architects Association, Davangere
  2. Strive for excellence – 2007,  presented by NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
  3. Certificate of commendation for using innovative material and construction technique (2007) presented by Association of Consulting Civil engineers (I), Mangalore Center and Ultra tech Cement Co.
  4. Out-standing Concrete Engineer of Karnataka – 2008, endowment award jointly given by Indian Concrete Institute (KBC) and Ultra tech Cement Co.
  5. TOBIP award, given by Junior Chamber International, Puttur, on the occasion of Jaycee week – 08 for the achievement in the field of Business, Industry and Profession.
  6. TOBIP award, given by Junior Chamber International, India, at their national convention held in Pondicherry, in December, 2008.
  7. “Eminent Engineer from Industry” Award -2012, given by Civil-Aid Techno clinic Private Limited (A Bureau Veritas Group Company)
  8. “Certificate of Jury Appreciation” – Awarded 2012, by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (I), Mangalore Centre &UltraTech Cement Ltd., Mangalore.
  9. Certificate of commendation for using innovative material and construction technique (2012) presented by Association of Consulting Civil engineers (I), Mangalore Center and Ultra tech Cement Co.


Anand Kumar SK


Akshay SK

Senior Project Executive / Construction

Arjun SK

Senior Project Excecutive / Pre-Cast

Akash SK

Senior Project Executive